Wednesday 21 July 2010

Did it!

After a 8 hour hike up Fuji I made it to the top to see this! I didn't fair too badly considering how much of a fatty I am and was the first back down to the bottom of the mountain thanks to my handy climbing boots.

The mountain was unbelievably crowded. It was a three day weekend so it seemed like everyone else in Japan had decided that it was the perfect time to go up Fuji, too. Seriously, we had to queue up half the mountain and shuffle around tour group after tour group.

They say that a wise man climbs Fuji once and a fool climbs it twice. This is, without a doubt, the wisest thing any wise man has ever said.

Although it felt amazing to reach the top and see such a beautiful sunrise it also felt incredible to know that I was never going to have to climb up it again.

Saturday 17 July 2010


Climbing Mt.Fuji today- wish me luck!

Bit worried about people coming unprepared but I have all the gear I need so should be alright I think!

will let you know how it goes anywho. Will be gutted If I don't make it to the top but not surprised.