Wednesday 12 December 2007

Tired of being sick

Today I came home early from class as I just couldn't stop coughing my guts out. It was pretty embarrassing as I had to leave the classroom because no-one could hear over me. Then, when I went to ask of it was o.k. to leave my teacher told me to anyway.

So here I am now, sat in bed with a spare hour to write my blog.

I've just had an excellent weekend but feel now that I have somewhat overdone it and am suffering the consequences through my poor health. I've been ill for quite a while now but I'm just not getting any better. Time for sleep and good food.

Anyway, this weekend....
It started on Friday with my dormitory's winter party (it was actually a Christmas party but with there being lots of people who aren't Christian living here it was named winter party for PCness). It was such a brilliant night; almost everyone that lives here came so I managed to finally meet everyone, as well as all the boys off my course even though they weren't actually invited.
The amount of preparation and effort put in to the party was impressive. The dorm had been decorated, gifts for bingo (including a DS) had been bought and beer and food was free and more important, plentiful! The party ended with a 'disco' which was so much fun as I finally got to dance my heart out. You've probably seen the photos on facebook anyway!
I spent Saturday nursing a hangover avec Jay who had come all the way from Kanazawa and then headed to Tokyo early evening to go out with some of my Hosei and Sheffield friends.
Again, it was really good to catch up with everyone. It makes me wish that I had more time to meet up with all my friends from last year and less time learning things such as how to say 'Dutch studies' and 'Autopsy'. You never know, I may meet a Japanese Doctor with an interest in Holland so I can wow him with my specialist vocab about how the dutch introduced the study of anatomy to Japan. Or not.
And then there was Sunday. Another mega fun day! I went to see Daft Punk in Tokyo with more Sheffield people and it was truly immense. The gig was excellent and I spent another day/evening dancing away.
That was the first gig I've seen in Japan so it was really interesting to see any differences... to be honest there weren't that many. I always thought that Japanese people would be relatively reserved at concerts but quite the opposite was true. Everyone was really getting in to it and having a great time. The only noticeable difference I suppose was that I could actually see the artist on stage because I wasn't the shortest person there like I usually am in England.

So that leads me to now... ill again so ready to have a long nap and hopefully feel better soon.



Anonymous said...

Ha HA! You've put comments back on! Awesome. Daft Punk in Tokyo sounds a bit too good for my liking, tone it down Lizbuff. I'm sick TOO. I've gone all term without it but now here it is! Christmas in Australia sounds effing brilliant. You could definitely do with a break. I've never needed one quite so much. Seems insane how much harder your year's sounding than what you expected, but totally worth it.

Will email when I get back to Sheffield and my net connection FINALLY works.

izzy said...

hello lizzy this is isobel!