Thursday 31 January 2008


My iGoogle daily horoscope told me this today- 'Don't be afraid of enjoying your own company, no matter what you are doing.' Of course being a highly reliable source and great guide to life I always take iGoogles advice very seriously, especially as horoscopes are so accurate... or maybe not. But this one really did make me think. It's something that I really do need to learn to do; be able to be by myself and not feel really bored, lonely and after a while, quite sad. I don't know if it's just that I am a really 'social' (i.e. can't keep my big mouth shut) person and love company or just that I have no idea how to spend my time if someone else isn't occupying it. It's probably a mix of both to be fair but from now on I'm going to try and learn to enjoy the time I have to myself because sometimes people are just too busy to so something. Like this week, where I have finished most of my work and everyone else still has exams.

Saying that though, I do have a pretty packed weekend ahead- I'm going out clubbing tomorrow night and then to Hakone to go to some hot springs on Saturday night and then I have to finish my report and presentation by next week sometime. So spare time to drive myself crazy in my room isn't abundant to say the least.
I'm really looking forward to having the time to go out and have fun without having to think about any uni work, meet new people and get to know the people I already know even better. It wont be long now, just two weeks I hope, I'm sure I can hold out for that long.

I decided on my new years resolution too- I always go for a nice vague one and it's the same this year- from now on I'm going to take every opportunity that I can. I feel like I've missed out on quite a bit here at Yokohama and also doing things in Japan in general so from now on I'm going to make sure I take every opportunity I have to do interesting and fun stuff here. No saying no to offers, no making excuses about lots of work; I forgot somewhere along the way that I did Japanese to have an awesome year in Japan having loads of fun, not just to get better at Japanese (albeit that is important too!). It's all about the experience and I don't want to waste my time in a tiny dorm room (Someone I know here who only goes out for lectures or to get something from the supermarket).
My opinion might change somewhat when I start all my hard classes next semester but then it'll be about balance I suppose.

That's all for my ramblings today; not got much to say, will write more after this weekend I hope

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