Monday 25 February 2008

Spring Holiday

I'm finally into my spring holiday (struggled not to call it spring break then, I'm becoming Americanized, yuk) and everything is going well. The weather is finally starting to get warmer so I don't have to walk around in my clashing hat, scarf and coat combo and next week I'm off to the tropical Island of Okinawa to visit the wonderful Alice so I shouldn't need a coat at all.

Since my final presentation a couple of weeks ago I have been out and about quite a lot, had one too many bad hangovers and met lots of random people in random places. Unfortunately, not having to study until I get back to university in April I can already feel my academic Japanese slipping away and my Kanji knowledge flying out the window. I thought I would have lots of free time to study this week but as each day has passed my little schedule book has filled up and so I now only have one free day left until Okinawa which I'm sure will no longer be free by Wednesday.
Other than not studying I have been spending most of my time with friends at Yokohama. Lots of people are leaving now so I have to go to every leaving party to say my farewells. It's pretty sad and I'm not so fond of the change but it makes me appreciate all the awesome people from all over the world that I have had the opportunity to meet since coming to Japan and I hope to someday bump in to in the future. My friend Lauren leaves on Friday which I'm rather gutted about; my dorms are going to be quite lonely without her as she is my tea buddy and com padre. Luckily I only have two days in the dorms after she goes before I set off traveling so I wont have too much time to mope about.
Anyway, for one of Laurens leaving do's we all went out to AgeHa (the biggest club in Asia), and it was perhaps one of the most fun nights I have ever had. It was a good drunken night of general merry making, dancing and talking random crap to Japanese people. In Japanese clubs the use of cameras is banned but being foreign, drunk and having a general dislike of pointless rules Lauren brought one in anyway. This ended in her being caught taking photos by security several times and thus being chased around the club because she refused to put it in the locker and also resulting in many comedy style chases in which we were all involved. Eventually we ended up getting thrown out of the club with some people getting banned but it didn't matter- we about to leave anyway since it was 6 in the morning!

Other than getting drunk and general merry making I also went to visit my friend Jay in Kanazawa and have managed to meet up with lots of other Sheffield people. Always good to catch up with people and hopefully I'll be able to see a few people that I have yet to meet in Japan this weekend when I go to see the plum blossom.

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