Monday 1 February 2010

Sapporo Snow Festival

Too long to wait!

Even though it is a Monday morning I am very excited. I have a nice busy schedule this week so don`t have much time to sit around being bored. But that isn`t why I am really excited. This Sunday I will be heading up to Sapporo to see the Yuki Matsuri (Snow Festival) and as a result having almost the whole of next week off from work. Again, having time off isn`t actually why I am looking forward to it (although it definitely helps!)- it is that I am finally going to see the Yuki Matsuri.

Ever since I first came to Japan as a lowly volunteer I have wanted to see it. I remember scanning my rough guide for places to travel at the end of my six month stint and being sorely disappointed that I didn`t finish my placement until three days after the snow festival had finished, making it impossible to make it up there.

The next time I came to Japan I actually made it to Sapporo. But, that was in uni summer holidays so I was a good six months out of season. Then, when I was here for a year in Yokohama I wasn`t rolling in money, and chose to go on holiday to Okinawa to visit my friend Alice with all my Yokohama friends instead. This turned out to be a great decision as it was possibly the most fun I have ever had on a holiday. But it also meant no Sapporo and not knowing at the time that I would be back in Japan now, had written it off for another holiday to Japan sometime.

Five years later and I am finally completing my Japan travels- I think I have been to almost everywhere that I would possibly want to go to now. Although there are many more great places to see in Japan, there is nowhere that I feel like my `Japan journey` is incomplete if I haven`t visited them. I would love to go Island hopping down in Okinawa but I don`t think I am ever going to have time to do that.

On the weekend...

Didn`t get up to much this weekend. Had a movie night on Friday with Jen and Gemma- spread the High School Musical love. It was Jen`s birthday party on Saturday night and we went to the Asahi beer factory for all you can drink beer and yakiniku (meat bbq type thing). It was fun to catch up with all the other JETs. I ended up getting very drunk after a rather large sambuca and have little memory from about 9.30. Needless to say, Sunday was spent hungover..

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