Friday 5 October 2007

Made it!

I'm finally here! I feel tired, busy, stressed, excited, confused... a bit of everything really. I've been so busy since getting here last Friday that I have barely had time to sit down.
It's three in the afternoon at the moment and since my classes finished at 12 today I have the afternoon free to get my room sorted, contact people and, more importantly, relax for a bit.

So I guess I shall start from my first day then. There is so much to tell that I will make it brief, I really can't talk about everything.

I got to the airport ok after a 12 hours slog on the plane and was picked up by a rather late Chris. I was incredibly happy to see him again so I didn't mind too much though. Then we went straight to my friends Saoris house where I stayed for a few days which was great because I was so tired and her family were really nice. They kept me well fed so I was a happy Liz.
In my first few days I didn't anything touristy around Tokyo but met up with friends from my class who are also studying in Japan and some Japanese friends that were in Sheffield last year. It was really nice to see everyone again and good to know that there are already friends here.

I came to Yokohama on Wednesday and this is the first time since coming that I have had a decent enough amount of time to make an entry.
So far everyone I have met seems very nice and lots of people that are keen to go out and have fun. I went out with some of my senpai last night (the study abroad students that have been here since last April) and a couple of guys who also do the 'JOY' program. I had a really good time and it made a really good night out. We all went to an izakaya (Japanese pub) that served Chinese and Japanese food. I tried lots of random food and drank lots of cheap beer that has given me a rather nasty hangover today. And then , of course, we went for some Karaoke!
Now, I know that my singing voice isn't up to scratch but being rather tipsy and having already been made to do the first song along with one of the other new students anyway I decided to sing along to every song no matter what it was.
Off out tonight too as it's another course friends birthday. More of the same I think!

The dorms that I am living in seem quite nice. There is a ping pong table on every floor which is good random fun. Haven't had a chance to do it yet mind.
My room is really bare at the moment and I have a million things that I need to buy for it. I think when I have got all the stuff I need sorted it will be quite a nice room. It's bigger than most hall rooms i've seen before and I have my own kitchen and bathroom which is really good.

If anyone wants to send me any lovely things (please????) my address is-

Elizabeth Leigh
Foreign Student House of Y.N.U C318
2-31-1, O-oka, Minamiku
Yokohama-shi, KANAGAWA

and if you're ever really bored send me and email to my brand new shiny phone on

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