Friday 26 October 2007

The Racist Pigeon

There were lots of issues about Japan that I really wanted to write about on this blog when I got time such as how irritating it is that Japanese people wont bend any rules no matter how menial or pointless they are but unfortunately I am going to have to save that rant for another day. You see, yesterday I had the most horrific and perhaps embarrassing moment of my life.

I encountered a racist bird.

So the story goes like this-

I was standing with my Japanese friend Yui outside of Yokohama Station, just chatting away whilst waiting for my friend Josie to arrive. It was a normal, pleasant day and I was talking about all the things that I want to buy whilst here but can't afford. There were lots of people stood around or passing through the station too.
We were minding our own business when I see from the corner of my eye a mangy pigeon. Next thing I know it's flapping in my face so I swipe it away thinking that'll get rid of the little bugger but to my horror it comes back for more. So there I am, in the middle of a crowd of Japanese people, having my face and eyes pecked by a bloody pigeon. And it wouldn't leave. There was nothing to do but flail my arms wildly, scream and run like a mad woman. It even followed me into the station.
At some point in my mad rush to escape death by flea-bitten bird the pigeon disappeared. Thank God. I was so shocked that all I could do was stand grasping my chest looking terrified. Whilst being stared at by about 50 Japanese people. Nice.
After being comforted by Yui we discussed why the pigeon was so intent on killing me. She said it must be because I have a nice smell. Bu I know the real reason. It saw my hair, my eyes, my face and thought 'bloody Gaijin (foreigner), get out of my country'.
Even the birds hate foreigners here. Sigh, that's life in a homogeneous, racist place.

I have recovered from the horror of it but I think from now on I am always going to be scared of pigeons. And all other Japanese birds. And going outside.

1 comment:

Vivien said...

I love this blog but it is about time we all heard more --don't you think--or are you too busy fighting off the pigeons!! love mum xx