Thursday 9 September 2010

English Speech Contest

I won!

By I, I actually mean my student but since I am the native speaker I think I can take credit for at least 75% of the win. Let's ignoring the fact that I was away for half the summer so the only real job I did was pick her. And that most of her competitors sounded like they had stones in their mouths, were robots or had lisps. We rocked and nothing anyone says will change that.
On a slightly (and only very slightly) more impressive note, she is the first student in this school to win the original speech part of the competition ever. I should have a picture of me holding the trophy framed in gold and hung by the principal's office. Only that would do justice to my marvellous teaching skills.

We go to the prefectural competition next week and if we win that then onwards and upwards to the country wide one. She really wants to win, too. Which is strange as I have spent the past year trying to install a feeling of apathy in my student so they don't cry when they lose.

Fingers crossed that we win!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats again!! Make sure ADACHI-GUN reps hard at prefecturals.

HAHA, I noticed a shout-out to my S-chan (poor thing has a lisp... and didn't freakin' "VOLUME UP" during the actual competition.)

- G-ma