Tuesday 14 September 2010

Nihongo FIGHTO

Having neglected my studies for the past year, I decided last week that it is about time I get back on the bandwagon and start properly studying Japanese again.

It is easy to not study here- at school I am either too busy or too bored to look at Japanese and there is no chance I am going to do anything productive after work. Also, with no goal and being quite thoroughly sick of studying non-stop at uni, it all came to a halt fairly swiftly after arriving in Fukushima.

But, BUT, I am giving myself a goal. It comes in the form of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Anyone who has lived in Japan or has studied Japanese will already know about it, but, for those normal people who read this blog (Mum), it is a test that can be taken for non-native speakers to show how good your Japanese is.
This winter, I am going to take level 2 (one being the best, five the worst). I should have taken level 2 two years ago when I was still in Yokohama but at the time I didn't really see the point. Now I am having to re-learn everything- kanji, grammar, vocab. Everything. Damn me for being lazy. DAAAAMN.
It is going to be a lot of work but I am forming a study group to keep myself motivated and, well, I don't plan on failing, even if passing doesn't look too likely. It is a rather tricky little test.

On the positive side of things, starting to study again has reminded me of how much I enjoyed doing Japanese in the first place.

Other things I am keeping myself busy with: applying for post grad (I want to study Chinese, why am I still doing Japanese?! Haha, good question), Fujet (though after our trip canyoning it has been a tad quieter for me), hmm, that's it actually.

Sorry about the dull post- it reflects my mood!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pleased to hear that your efforts at coaching have found fertile ground and that in tandem with this you actually listen to the students you teach!! Looks like the years of Radio 4 broadcasts and Yorkshires own particular brand of English have found favour with the Judges !!
Trust that you will be successful with your exam since this will be a good omen in terms of the application for the Chinese studies. Does this mean that the studies will be in the UK or will you travel to a University in the PRC?