Monday 11 February 2008

I'm sat down on my bed with a rather over brewed cup of tea trying to waste time until I'm tired enough to go to sleep. I have my last presentation tomorrow, report is finished, as is my Sheffield year abroad project plan. Which means from 11.45 tomorrow morning I am a free agent, no more work for a month and a half. It feels really weird. I hope I don't lose all my Japanese in that time.
The next week and a half is pretty crammed full of stuff so I shouldn't be sat about in my room wasting more time on facebook and youtube. Hurrah!

Rather than telling you what I might be up to though, I'll tell you what I have done in the past few eeks. My amazing weekend of 'opportunity' turned out to be a rather quiet one; never made it out clubbing on the Friday night but I did manage to get drunk enough so that my hangover prevented me from leaving bed for the next day thus missing out on the Hakone trip! Better luck next time , eh!
I did however manage to have a week of childish fun which involved a ball pit, a trip to Disney sea (similar to Disney land... but on the sea), seeing dragons dance at Chinese new year and going out to a gay club. It really has been manic, not to mention expensive, but a lot of fun. I think my Japan cold has got even worse but I've learnt to live with it.
The gay club had to be one of the strangest nights I've had in Japan. It wasn't so different from gay clubs in England only there were more gay people and less 'breeders' (as Colleen so nicely calls straight people). The thing is, since most Japanese people don't actually believe that gay people exist in Japan and that it is some foreign evil culture, gay people here don't really expect straight people to have any understanding or tolerance for them. Which is ridiculous but understandable. Anyway, this meant that there was quite a lot of awkward explaining to be done but it turned out to be a brilliantly fun night and we could not stop dancing to all the cheesy classics that are expected from a gay club. There was even a bit of pole dancing. Luckily not too much from me but my friend Jaycob who must have some kind of pole fetish as we could not prise him off it for the life of us.
After an entire night of dancing, looking sweaty and an encounter with a scary fake French model we finally got home at 7.30 in the morning. I was ready to sleep for the entire day but it was a friends birthday so I had to get up after 4 hours sleep to go for an all you can eat buffet. I thought I was going to die, I have never been so tired in my life. Even worse than the night bus/snowboarding trip.

I think I have managed to catch up on my sleep now. I have got all my work done so that's a good sign and I'm going to go to bed relatively early as I have to get up in time for the presentation tomorrow.

Life here is either extremely tiring or it feels like there is nothing to do. The latter in never actually true, just feels that way sometimes. Not from now on though... yikes!

1 comment:

Vivien said...

Hello Lizzy
Look foreward to seeing you soon--Dad will want a proper meal before he embarks on his jap experience... love Mum xx