Wednesday 22 August 2007

My third blog

This is my third blog page thingy that I have made and it will hopefully be the last- I seem to have lost the other two.

Anyway, I'll use this to keep in contact whilst I am in Japan, rather than sending irritating group emails. So you only have to see how I'm getting on if you actually care!
I'm (hopefully, if I can be bothered) going to post in both Japanese and in English with all the Japanese stuff that I should have done about six months ago added in at some point.
The English bits will be about what I've been up to and the Japanese bits, if you can't read them, will be entirely random bits of information so you wont be missing out on anything there.

I finally booked by ticket at Sta Travel today; I'm off on the 28th of September so have plenty of time left to get ready. I'm sure it will fly by though and I will be just as unprepared the week before I leave as I am now.
Still, I hope I get to see everyone before I go... if not see you there or after I get back!


Anonymous said...

And guess who paid for the tickets!!! Love Mumski xx

Liz said...

thanks mam